Chaitanya College of Nursing GNM 2023: Application (Started), Dates, Eligibility Criteria

Latest Applications Open 2025:


Chaitanya College of Nursing GNM 2023 Application has been Released. Chaitanya College of Nursing Ongole referred to as Chaitanya Nursing College Ongole is one among the best Nursing colleges in Andhra Pradesh it had been set up within the year 1989. Chaitanya College of Nursing Ongole is in association with NTR University of Health Sciences.

Chaitanya College of Nursing Ongole is amongst the foremost essential colleges of Andhra Pradesh the college fraternity inspires the students to satisfy the complex trials and to figure the career concerning Paramedical and Degree.

Here we are providing detailed information about the Chaitanya College of Nursing GNM 2023 form , Application Fee, Important Dates, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Exam Syllabus, Admit Card, Result, Counseling, Etc.

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Chaitanya College of Nursing GNM 2023 Notification – Application Released

Chaitanya College of Nursing GNM 2023 Application has been Released. Click Here to Apply Online.
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Important Dates 2023:

Candidates need to be updated about the important dates for the admission which will be declared as per the notification.

Events Dates
Submission Application Form Started
Admit Card to be announced
Entrance Exam to be announced

Course Offered

Course Duration
B.SC (Hons) Nursing 4 years
G.N.M 3 years

Chaitanya College of Nursing GNM 2023 Application form:

We have specified below all the imperative information about the application process for the aid of the candidates:

  • Chaitanya College of Nursing GNM 2023 Application has been Released.
  • Candidates are required to open the official website of the university and download the appliance form and prospectus from the web site .
  • As soon as the instructions mention within the prospectus is checked candidates got to begin filling up the application form.
  • While filing the application form, applicants got to enter some necessary particulars within the application form for instance personal detail, educational details, course-related details, contact and parent’s details, and further details.
  • Candidates also got to provide the scanned images of photograph and signature in quantified size and format mention on the authorized website of the university.
  • Candidates are ordered to fill the application form appropriately and properly with correct information.
  • Applicants are told to take a printout of the application form when the application form is filled.

Chaitanya College of Nursing GNM 2023 Application Fee:

The significant details associated with the application fee is cited below for the candidates:

  • Payment of the application fee is an important a part of the application process consequently applicants are notified to pay the application fee before the due date.
  • Particulars of the application fee are going to be discussed on the official website of the university by the official authorities for the applicants.
  • It is informed that the applicants visit the official website of the university to urge information about the application fee.
  • Applicants got to get a copy of the payment validation receipt which can be produced by the system.

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Chaitanya College of Nursing GNM 2023 Eligibility Criteria 2023:

The important information about the eligibility criteria is given below for the candidates:

 Age The Candidate should have completed the age of 17 years on or before 31st December 2019.

The Candidates completing the age of  17 years on 1st January 2019 or later will not be eligible.

The upper age is 30 years as of 31/12/2019 further provided that this upper age limit is relaxed by a period of five years for the candidates belonging to SC/ ST.

 Qualifying Examination A Candidate seeking admission from a recognized school, with 50% or more marks in the aggregate of 4 subjects including English (Core /Elective), Physics, Chemistry, and Biology provided the student has passed in each subject separately.
 Basic of Selection The selection of the candidates for admission to B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing Courses will be made on basis of the merit have to appear for the Entrance Exam.
 Entrance Test The entrance test will be held on as per the venue indicated in the Admission ticket. The Entrance Test will contain objective type (Multiple Choice) items.
 Medical Fitness A Candidate must be medically fit for the course.

Chaitanya College of Nursing GNM 2023 Admission Procedure 2023:

Chaitanya College of Nursing Ongole will receive self-attested xerox copies of document papers submitted by students.

If the contender is unable to submit the obligatory documents by the compulsory date, her admission will automatically be unjustified.