Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023: Application Form (Soon), Dates, Eligibility, Pattern

Latest Applications Open 2025:


Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Application Form will be Released Soon. KSCSTE is called as the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment. The conducting authorities of the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment will conduct a Scholarship program for the eligible applicants with an aim to offer higher studies in Science.

The Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment is an autonomous body under the Ministry of the S & T, Kerala in the year 2002 November. It has a State Council headed by the Chief Minister of Kerala as well as an Executive Council chaired by the Executive Vice President (EVP). The conducting authorities of the KSCSTE have decided to offer scholarships to the applicants on the basis of their HSC results.

Below in this article, we have provided the completed detailed information regarding the Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 such important events and their dates, Eligibility criteria, the application form, application fee, results and many more can go through this article.

Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2025

  1. Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  2. UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  3. Amrita B.Tech | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  4. Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now

KSCSTE 2023 Notification – Application Soon

 Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Application Form will be Released soon. Click here to Apply. The link will be provided here.

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Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Important Dates

Below we have provided all the information regarding the Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) for the applicants to refer to.

Important Events Dates
Starting Date of application forms To be announced
End Date of application forms To be announced
Availability of the Rank list To be announced

Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Application Process

Below we have provided all the information regarding the process of application of the Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR).

  • Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Application Form will be released soon.
  • The conducting authorities will release the forms for the applicants through online mode that is on the official website.
  • So the applicants who want to apply for the scheme need to fill and submit the application form.
  • To get the application form the applicants will have to go through the online registration process wherein they will have to provide some details like name, valid contact number, email id, and many more.
  • Applicants should note that before filling the application form, they should check the instructions and the eligibility criteria which is set by the institution.
  • Applicants are instructed to provide a valid contact number and an email id as it will help them in the future at the time of further selection procedure.
  • Applicants will also require a recent passport size photograph of dimension 150W x 200H pixels to be attached in the application form.
  • After filling the application form the applicants will receive an OTP in their registered email.
  • The OTP needs to be entered and then the applicants will have to create a password of a minimum of 6 characters to continue with the registration.
  • After the successful registration, an application number will be generated by the system and the applicant will receive a confirmation mail along with their application number and password.
  • And then the last step is to submit and complete the application or registration process.

Application Fee

The conducting authorities of the Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) have not yet disclosed the details regarding the application fee. And so the applicants can go through the official website in order to get the details of the same.

Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The applicants will get the details about the basic eligibility criteria for the Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) in this section.

  • Nationality: Indian citizens are only eligible.
  • Age: The student should be more than 17 years of age.
  • Domicile: The applicant must belong to Kerala.
  • Qualification: The students who have completed HSC exams are eligible to apply.
  • Minimum Percentage (General Category): The General Category applicants must have scored more than 90 % marks in the exam.
  • Minimum Percentage (Reserved Category): The Reserved Category applicants must have scored more than 80 % marks in the exam.
  • Admission: The applicant has secured the admission for the B.Sc. / Integrated M.Sc./ Integrated BS-MS course in Basic or Natural Science in any of the recognized Institutions or Universities in India are eligible to apply.
  • Recognition: Education should be completed from a recognized Board or Institutions or Universities.

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Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Selection Procedure

The conducting authorities will held the process of providing scholarships to the applicants completely on the basis of the rank list. Once all the application forms have been submitted by the applicants, the authorities will scrutinize it on the basis of HSC marks (for all science subjects). 

And on the basis of scrutinization, the conducting authorities will prepare a rank list of the applicants. The authorities will be nominating the applicants based on different subjects grouped such as Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Life Sciences. Below we have given the weightage on each criterion.

Subjects Group Weightage
Mathematics Sciences 30 %
Physical Sciences 40 %
Life Sciences 30 %

However, the official authorities have reserved 10% of seats for those applicants who belong to the reserved category. After dominating all the applicants the official authorities will prepare the final rank list and will release it once all the documents of the applicants have been verified.

Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2025

  1. Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  2. UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  3. Amrita B.Tech | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  4. Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now

Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Awards

Below we have provided all the information regarding the basic criteria of the scholarships which are awarded to the applicants.

UG course / First 3 years of Integrated PG Course:

  • The first year – Rs 12,000/-
  • The second-year – Rs 18,000/-
  • The third-year – Rs 24,000/-

PG courses (scored minimum 75% marks for UG course):

  • The first year/ the fourth year of Integrated PG course – Rs 40,000/-
  • The second-year/ the fifth year of Integrated PG course – Rs 60,000/-

Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Rank List 

The Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Rank List will be prepared when all the applications of the applicants have been received by the official authorities. The applicants will get the details about the Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Rank List in this section.

The conducting authorities will prepare a Kerala KSCSTE Prathibha Scholarship Scheme (STAR) 2023 Rank List (Provisional) on the basis of three subjects (Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Life Sciences). The Provisional Rank List will contain the names of 100 students in total.

The applicants will be able to get the Provisional Rank list on the official website in online mode. Applicants will have to check the list and keep all the necessary documents ready with them. As the applicants will have to upload the scanned copies of some documents for the confirmation of the scholarship if their names have appeared in the rank list.

Below given is the list of the documents to be uploaded. 

  • Appropriately signed “Data-sheet”
  • Copy of HSE mark list (self-attested)
  • “Terms and conditions” signed by the applicant in the specified format
  • Proof on Kerala nativity
  • Community Certificate (for SC/ST students only)
  • Bank Account details of the Candidate (E-payment form)