Essay on Arctic Ocean for Students & Children’s in English

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Essay on Arctic Ocean is that the shallowest and smallest ocean with a complete space of roughly 13,986,000 sq .kms. It’s situated around the North Pole and is encircled by some countries like Greenland, Alaska, Canada, Russia, and Norway.

The ocean is connected to the ocean by the Bering Strait and also the Atlantic Ocean by the Greenland Sea. The name “Arctic” comes from the Greek word “Arktos” which suggests bear, derived from the northern sky constellation within the sky of the ocean, “Ursa Minor” (Little Bear and “Ursa Major” (Great Bear).

What is the Arctic Ocean?

It is believed that the origin of the ocean is within the Cenozoic era, sixty-five million years past. It absolutely was shaped through the Seafloor Spreading within the lengthways of the Nansen-Gakkel Ridge. In contrast to the Southern Ocean that surrounds an ice plate, the ocean is encircled by lands.

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It’s one in every of the harshest atmosphere within the world with additional severe global climate change than the Antarctic Ocean. However, lots of individuals live the Areas close to the Arctic as a result of its richness in natural resources and even fossil fuels. Some facts concerning the climate, island, depth, location, and current are mentioned furtherly in the Arctic Ocean.

About Depth of Arctic Ocean, Arctic Ocean Essay:

Generally, the water depth of the Arctic-Ocean ranges from 1700 meters to 2500 meters betting on the number of water that flows in and out of the Arctic Ocean from the various Oceans. Sometimes, depth would be quite 2500 meters. The recorded deepest purpose of the Arctic Ocean is 5450 meters that are found within the Eurasian Basin.

About Islands of Arctic Ocean:

The Essay on the Arctic Ocean is enclosed with islands that are principally fragments from North America, Europe, and Asia. A number of these islands are populated whereas others aren’t owing to ice and snow cowl. Several of the islands are settled within the border waters of the Northern Atlantic and Arctic Oceans at sixty degrees reaching the north.

Some of the islands of ocean are the Greenland (massive island settled between the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean), Iceland, (defined by its distinctive landscape embedded with volcanoes, geysers, hot springs, and volcanic rock fields), Faroe Islands (composed of eighteen rocky and volcanic islands between the Iceland and Scandinavian nation within the Atlantic Ocean), January Mayen ( a volcanic island coated with glacier), Svalbard (One of the world’s north most region however the foremost visited island within the Arctic region), North Pole (not thought-about an island however simply a floating mass of ice), and therefore the ATOW1996 (a little unoccupied island, some ten meters length and one meter high.

The principal arms of the ocean are the Beaufort, Chukchi, East Siberian, Laptev, Kara, Barents, and Greenland seas and it extends 1,210 kilometers seaward from Siberia shelf. From the shelf, their are various Islands rises that are the Arctic Archipelago, Nova Zembla, the New Siberian Islands, and Wrangel Island.

Climate of Arctic Ocean, Pacific Arctic Climate:

The environmental condition of Arctic-Ocean is influenced by the radiation, and also the periodic passage of atmosphere and stream flows from the landmasses that surround the Ocean, transferral winds precipitation, and temperature. Generally, the climate of Arctic-Ocean is categorized as long, cold winters and short, cool summers. The solar radiation is the major basis for worldwide and regional climatical conditions.

However, solar radiation is influenced by latitudes and also the variations of cloudiness. The upper the latitude, the less penetration of daylight and also the frequent variation of cloudiness, the many variations of sunshine penetration. Since the Arctic Ocean is within the higher latitude, it’s subjected to an awfully cold condition with the presence of, ice, snow, and water. the supply of daylight creates the four seasons of the Arctic ocean: winter (November through February), summer (around twenty-one of June), spring (March and April), and autumn, (September and October).

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The winds that flow to the Arctic Ocean has a mean vary of 4-6 meters per second altogether four seasons. However, stronger winds additionally occur particularly within the North-Atlantic seas, Baffin Bay, and Vitus Behring and Chukchi Seas.

The precipitation of Arctic Ocean falls as rain or snow, however, the basin receives little quantity with solely but 250 millimeters per annum except for some tiny regions that receive concerning four hundred metric linear units per annum. Throughout November and will, the common monthly precipitation is concerning fifteen millimeters, and through July, August, and Sept, precipitation would rise to twenty to thirty millimeters.

In terms of temperature, the month of January and July receive the coldest and warmest temperature severally. The summer temperature chiefly influences the Arctic Ocean temperature. It may expertise an extended amount of continuous daylight or long amount of no daylight. In winter, the temperature averages from 30 to 35 °C. In summer, the melting of ocean ice includes a temperature of zero °C. The additional solar radiation is essential to soften the ice, however, to not raise the temperature.

Currents of Arctic Ocean:

There are 2 major currents within the Arctic-Ocean, the Beaufort scroll, and therefore the geographic point Drift Stream. Arctic-Ocean surface waters usually flow into clockwise moving from east to west around the polar ice cap. The ocean brings cold waters to the Arctic-Ocean through the Bering Strait. The waters area unit then mixed with the waters of the rivers and so flow to the Beaufort scroll wherever the robust wind causes the water to flow into a revolution.

However, once the wind is weak, the water is going to be brought out of the scroll and can flow into the North Atlantic Ocean. The water from the North Atlantic Ocean will return once more to the Arctic-Ocean transfer heat and salty waters creating it denser and consequently sinks below the Arctic Ocean. The accumulated salinity ends up in the shortage of movement within the deep waters of the Arctic Ocean inflicting a stagnant pool of cold water to accumulate at the lowest of the Arctic basin.


Essay on Arctic Ocean current slowly swirls the water of Arctic basin that turns the Polar Ice Cap creating a whole rotation every four years. On the opposite hand, the geographic point Drift Stream carries the fresh from the ocean sea and therefore the East Siberian Sea to the Fram Strait. The geographic point Drift Stream results in the blending of the freshwaters towards the Canada Basin within the Arctic waters.