How to Prepare For CTET Paper 2: CTET Important Tips & Tricks

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How to Prepare For CTET Paper 2: The candidates who would like to teach from class VI to class VIII can need to appear in Paper two. The candidates are suggested to prepare according to the CTET syllabus. Lakhs of candidates apply for CTET but very few get selected. Thus it’s necessary to do good preparation to score well.

Sometimes candidates get confused regarding the preparation of CTET. It’s not so easy to crack CTET but it’s not impossible conjointly. The candidates who wish to get good marks can get it by making the plan regarding the preparation of CTET. The candidates are suggested to check the whole page concerning the preparation of CTET to get good marks.

How to Prepare for CTET Paper 2?

To prepare CTET it’s very important to urge the knowledge regarding the exam pattern. CTET Paper two may be a multiple-choice paper. There’ll be 150 queries that can be completed in a hundred and fifty minutes. The candidates can check the exam pattern of Paper two from the table below.

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Subjects Number of Questions Total Marks Total Time
Child Development and Pedagogy 2 Hours and 30 Minutes
Child Development (Primary School Child) 15 30
Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs 05
Learning and Pedagogy 10
Language I
Language Comprehension 15 30
Pedagogy of Language Development 15
Language – II
Comprehension 15 30
Pedagogy of Language Development 15
Mathematics & Science
Mathematics 30 60
Science 30
Social Studies/Social Sciences
History, Geography and Social and Political Life 30 60
Pedagogical Issues 30
Total 150  150  —

The candidates may also follow some tips to urge a good score in CTET. Tips about the preparation of Paper-2 are given below.

First of all, you’re suggested to prepare an idea for the preparation. start the preparation according to that schedule. Analyze your preparation from time to time by giving the mock tests. it’ll help you to secure good marks.
Equal weightage of marks has been given to child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, and Language – II. Thus try to prepare these 3 subjects with equal dedication.
The most weightage has been given to mathematics & Science and Social Studies/Social Sciences. The candidates can get the paper according to the subject they require to choose among these 2. So prepare this subject by giving further attention to it.
For Child Development and Pedagogy, it’s necessary to learn regarding inclusive education and understanding children with special needs.


For Language, I and Language II, the proficiency of Language are checked during this subject. Thus try to improve your proficiency. Prepare the unseen passages connected to prose and drama.
Learn all the formulas and small tricks to resolve the queries asked in mathematics subject.
Read all the books from category VI to VIII for Social Studies/Social Sciences. All the queries can come from the quality of class VI to VIII.
Solve all the previous year’s question papers to avoid the inconsistency of preparation.