RTMNU Contact Number – RTMNU Helpline Number & RTMNU Official Email ID

Latest Applications Open 2025:


RTMNU Contact Number: Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University established by the Government of Central Provinces Department of Education in 1923. It’s a State University governed by the Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016 (Mah. Act No. VI of 2017). it’s the second oldest university within the state of Maharashtra. The University has three Constituent Colleges/Institutions (Law College, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, and College of Education). it’s four faculties: Science and Technology, Commerce and Management, Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies. These have 36 departments and there are 12 other departments and centers.

Faculty of Science and Technology has 13 Departments: Biochemistry, Geology, Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Zoology, Statistics, Microbiology, Electronics and computingbiology, and gene-splicing, Home Science and Pharmaceutical Science. Faculty of Commerce and Management has 2 Departments: Business Management and Commerce. Faculty of Humanities has 16 Departments: Post Graduate Teaching Department of Law, Department of politics, Public Administration, Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, History, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Gandhian Thought, Dr. Ambedkar Thought, Travel and Tourism, Marathi, Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit, and Hindi. Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies has 5 Departments: Education, education, Mass Communication, Library and knowledge Science, and Fine Arts.

Interested applicants can check all the information associated with RTMNU on the official web site.

Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2025

  1. Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  2. UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  3. Amrita B.Tech | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  4. Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now

RTMNU Official Website: @www.nagpuruniversity.ac.in

Students can visit the RTMNU official website for all the details regarding RTMNU exam programs and processes. If you have any difficulty in applying or fee payment don’t hesitate to contact the officials. You can contact Official Authority by RTMNU Contact Number, Helpline Number, or Email Id, etc which is given below. The link to the official website is given above.

Importance of RTMNU Email Address/ Contact No./ Web Portal:

  • Applicants can easily solve and ask any type of queries with the assistance of the RTMNU Help Desk.
  • RTMNU Helpline carries details like official Email Id, toll-free numbers, important contact numbers, fax numbers, Address details, etc.
  • The complete details about the RTMNU helpline will be declared on the official site of the authority.
  • Applicants can easily ask queries directly to the official department.
  • Applicants can call on the helpline numbers without hesitation.
  • Applicants will also get complete helpline details throughout this post.

More Information About RTMNU Exam:

If the applicants desire to know more details and the latest updates about RTMNU then you can visit this website regularly or click on the given link and get all details about RTMNU Admission 2025. CLICK HERE

RTMNU Help Desk Details:

RTMNU Office Address: Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Amravati Road, Ram Nagar
Nagpur ( Maharashtra)

RTMNU Helpline Phone Number: +(91) 07122532063

RTMNU Help Desk Toll-Free Number: 0712-6580304, 2525417, 2040436, 2523045

RTMNU Fax No: +(91) 0712-2525417

RTMNU Official Website: www.nagpuruniversity.ac.in

Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2025

  1. Lovely Professional University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  2. UPES, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  3. Amrita B.Tech | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now
  4. Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2025. Apply Now

RTMNU Helpline Email Id: [email protected]

Vice-chancellor Dr. Subhash R. Chaudhari
No. :- 0712-2956309
Email : [email protected]
Pro. Vice-chancellor Dr. Sanjay Santosh Dudhe
No. :- 0712-2561347
Fax :- 0712-2053803, 0712-2563565
Email :[email protected]
Registrar Dr. Raju Eknathrao Hiwase
No. :- 0712-2956303 / 0712-2956304
Email :[email protected]
University Postal Address Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Jamnalal Bajaj Administrative Building,
Mahatma Jotiba Phule Educational Premises,
Campus Square to Ambazari T-Point Road, Nagpur – 440033
University Website www.nagpuruniversity.ac.in
Faculty Dean
Science and Technology
Dr. Prashant B. Maheshwari
Email:- [email protected]
Faculty Dean
Commerce and Management
Dr. Sanjay Dattatraya Kavishwar
Email:- [email protected]
Faculty Dean
Dr. Shamrao Indersay Koreti
Email:- [email protected]
Faculty Dean
Interdisicplinary Studies
Dr. Prashant S. Kadu
Director of Board of Examinations and Evaluation Dr. Prafulla Madhukarrao Sable
No. :- 7276082225
Email :[email protected]
Finance and Accounts Officer Mr. Harish R. Paliwal
No. :- 0712-2040436
Email :[email protected]
Director of Innovation, Incubation and Linkages Dr. Rajesh Singh
Director of Student’s Development Dr. Mangesh Pathak
Contact No. :- 9423148771
Email :[email protected]
(For various matters regarding students development and welfare)
Director of Sports and Physical Education Dr. Sharad Bansilal Suryawanshi
No. :- 9850303154
Email :- [email protected]
(For queries regarding Sports)
Director of National Service Scheme Dr. Sopandeo Pise
No. :- 9970361418
(For queries regarding N.S.S. Camps etc.)
Director of Lifelong Learning and Extension Dr. Nishikant Raut
No. :- 9422803768
Email :[email protected]
(For queries regarding courses under Jeevan Shikshan Abhiyan)
Director Knowledge Resource Center Dr. Vijay Khandal
No.:- 0712-2424903
Email:- [email protected]
Deputy Registrar, G.A. Section Shri. Pradeep Biniwale
No. :- 0712-2956305 / 0712-2956409 / 0712-2956302
Email :[email protected]
Deputy Registrar, Estt. Section Mr. Wasim Ahmed
No. :- 0712-2956313 / 0712-2956312 / 0712-2956311
Email :[email protected]
Deputy Registrar, University Development Section Shri. Sanjey Bahekar
Email :[email protected]
(For queries regarding various Grants, Scholarship etc. of University P.G. Departments)
Deputy Registrar, College Development Section Dr. R. Z. Madne
No. :- 0712-2529932
Email :[email protected]
(For queries regarding affiliation and teachers approval etc. of colleges)
Deputy Registrar, Academic Section Dr. Rajendra Ramkrushna Utkhede
No. :- 0712-2560624
Email :[email protected]
Deputy Registrar, B.C. Cell Mr. Manish Zodape
No. :- 0712-2550993
Email :[email protected] , [email protected]
(For queries regarding Roster and Scholarship)
Deputy Registrar, Ph.D. Cell Dr. M. S. Tadas (Additional Charge)
No. :- 9423402750 / 7722036600
(For queries relating to Ph.D.)
Training and Placement Officer Shri. Bhushan Mahajan
No.:- 7498134148
Assistant Registrar, Revaluation Section & General Exams Shri. B. A. Shukla (Additional Charge)
No. :- 9860482021
(For queries relating to Revaluation and General Exams.)
Assistant Registrar, General Exams & Enquiry Smt. S. D. Atram (Additional Charge)
No. :- 7264060083 / 7741858995
(For queries relating to various Certificates etc.)
Superintendent, Professional Exams Shri. Dhanusingh Pawar (Incharge)
No. :-8010823793
(For queries relating to Professional Exams.)
Public Relation Officer Mr. Premdas Wadkar
No. :- 9371554467
Emai :- [email protected]

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