3 Types Of Yellow Orchids

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If you’re interested in growing yellow orchids, you’ll be happy to know that there are some great options available. Yellow orchids are represented by terrestrial and epiphytic orchids that grow in different climatic zones and habitats. That means you should be able to find species and varieties that are suitable for your local growing climate.

This guide provides a brief introduction to the diverse and complex world of orchids and features three of our favorite yellow orchids. Learn about native habitats, morphology, and plant care tips.

Orchids: Plant Classification

With 850 genera and about 30,000 species, the Orchidaceae is now the second most abundant plant family in the world, and its amazing diversity makes it naturally distributed around the world, originally growing on every continent except Antarctica. was Orchid diversity includes a wide variety of flower colors and sizes, petal and label shapes, fragrances, leaf shapes and variations, and growing environments.

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Yellow Orchids: 3 Stunning Species

Yellow orchids brighten up indoor and outdoor gardens, adding warmth and soft beauty to your space. Below we list three amazing species, describe their natural habitats, and offer plant care tips.

1. Pale Yellow Cattleya (Cattleya luteola)

A member of the tropical Cattleya genus native to Central and South America, the pale yellow Cattleya is an epiphyte that grows in the hot and humid conditions of the Amazon rainforest. Cattleya luteola is one of about 120 species in this genus native to tropical America. Many consider the Cattleya to be the classic and most commonly represented example of an orchid.

Cattleya is divided into large-flowered species, single-leafed species, small-flowered species, single-leaved species, and two-leafed species. Unifoliate describes orchids with pseudobulbs, water and nutrient storage structures at the base of the plant’s leaves. Two-petaled orchids have two to four leaves per pseudobulb. Cattleya luteola is the smallest single-petaled orchid with tiny flowers and is often considered a miniature orchid.


As its name suggests, this tropical orchid features pale yellow delicate flowers, and its gentle beauty will gently soften your room. The flowers of this miniature orchid are often less than 5 cm in diameter. The petals and sepals of this species are rectangular with pointed tips.

A vase-shaped column protrudes greatly from the center of the flower, and the pleated, bowl-shaped opening of the column is bordered in white. Luckily for growers of this gorgeous little plant, the bright yellow cattleya’s multiple flowers continue to bloom from spring through fall.

A small-flowered, single-leafed orchid, Cattleya teola has his one leaf per pseudobulb. Pseudobulbs of this species usually reach about 5 cm in height. Leaves are usually 6 inches or less, usually medium wide and oblong with rounded tips.

Plant Care

This pretty little orchid isn’t for beginners, but it’s probably the most adaptable and hardy of the Cattleya species. It has a better temperature range and moisture tolerance than other Cattleya species, which allowed it to withstand cultivation in European collections in the mid-19th century.

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It was during this period that Europe became known as the “Tropical Orchid Graveyard”. At that time, it was common practice to treat all tropical orchids, including the ill-fated Cattleya, with high heat and low light.

This knowledge probably comes from a superficial understanding of the natural habitat of these orchids in the rainforest. Thankfully, our mini-orchid Cattleya Luteola fared much better than its close relatives, thanks to its adaptability. Nevertheless, the pale yellow cattleya still needs special and knowledgeable care to grow and flower.


As an epiphyte, this little orchid likes frequent moisture, but you need to ensure that the roots are completely dry and have good air circulation between waterings. If you live in a particularly dry area, you may need to soak the roots in water for about 20 minutes and water every other day.

Watering two to three times a week may be sufficient in humid climates. Make sure this orchid is growing in a well-drained, aerated medium, and that the roots and growth medium are completely dry between soaks.

Growing Medium and Fertilizer

Preferred mixtures for this species are peat moss, or peat-based mixtures with the addition of charcoal or lava rock. Porous, well-drained clay with drainage holes is best for potted plants. Fertilize weekly with 1/4 of standard orchard fertilizer.

Temperature and Humidity

Ideally, keep the humidity between 70-80% and the temperature between 60-85 degrees Fahrenheit. It prefers nighttime temperatures on the lower end of this temperature range.


Cattleya luteola tolerates 60-70% shade, but needs brighter light conditions to flower. During the growing season, bright indirect light should be provided. Some growers put this orchid in direct sunlight for several hours a day, but prolonged exposure tends to cause leaf scorch.

2. Tiger Orchid (Trichocentrum splendidum)

Tiger orchids are native to the middle-highlands regions of Central America and grow as epiphytes or rock plants. The growing climate in Japan is characterized by high humidity and rain in summer and dry winter. Successful cultivation mimics this climate cycle.

This beautiful orchid originally belonged to the genus Oncidium, then to the genus Lophialis and now part of the genus Trichocentrum.


Orchids of the genus Trichocentrum are sometimes called Lavayer orchids because their elongated oblong leaves resemble the ears of a mule. Like its trichocentrum relative, tiger orchid leaves can grow up to 24 inches long and are stiff, fleshy, and oblong in shape. As a monocotyledon, this orchid has one leaf per pseudobulb.

The flowers of the tiger orchid are spectacular, with bright yellow label rum contrasting with the dark red to brown striped yellow petals and sepals. From fleshy, gray, multi-branched stems up to 60 cm high, dense clusters of flowers 10 cm wide are formed. In its native habitat or similar habitats, the flowering period of tiger orchids typically lasts about three weeks from early spring to early summer.

Plant Care

Generally, these beautiful orchids are considered relatively easy to grow and highly adaptable, making them great candidates for anyone looking to enter the often complex world of orchids.


Consider watering frequently in the summer and less in the winter to mimic their natural growing location. The watering schedule depends on the humidity in the area, but when the temperature drops sufficiently (55-65°C), usually once a week in the summer and about once every two weeks in the winter, Tiger Run should be watered. Fahrenheit), the orchid enters dormancy. This is ideal as most orchids need to go dormant in order to flower.

Growing Medium and Fertilizing

Give a balanced orchid fertilizer every week when you water the plant during the growing season. Try to use only about 1/4 of the dose. A good thing to keep in mind about the fertilizing schedule for growing orchids is the cliche, “lightly fertilize every week.” Tiger orchids grow spectacularly on bark or when grown in hanging containers using a growing medium of chopped medium coarse fir bark and peat moss.


In general, tiger orchids should be grown in indirect bright sun. Due to increased expression of anthocyanin pigments, the leaves of this species often turn red/purple when fully exposed to sunlight.

Temperature and Humidity

During the growing season, this species thrives in a humidity range of 70-80% and a temperature of 65-85°C. Humidity may drop during dormant periods.

3. Yellow Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium parvi

The final yellow orchid on our list is the Yellow Ladies Slipper Orchid. This terrestrial orchid is native to the United States and Canada and is very common in temperate climates in its native range, in habitats ranging from marshes, bogs and coastal areas to moderately moist deciduous mixed forests. doing. This popular orchid belongs to the Cypripedium genus, which currently includes 58 terrestrial species, all of which have short, tough rhizomes that grow on the surface of the soil.


Especially the flower morphology is not easy to determine, as there are natural variants of this species. However, one of the distinguishing features of this species is the alternating ovate to lanceolate leaves that stand up along the main stem. The leaves are pale green with moderately ruffled margins and distinct parallel veins.

The narrow, elongated sepals are the petals of this orchid, miraculously twisted and wavy, spotted with yellow and red. The flowers bloom from April to August, are usually 1 to 3 inches in diameter, and usually form 1 to 2 flowers per stem.

The Yellow Astripper orchid gets its name from its large, bright yellow shoe- or pouch-shaped labrum, optimized for covering insects with pollen. The mechanism of this pollen dispersal strategy represents the label ram as a trap, with the shape of the slipper causing pollinating insects to crawl up from the bottom of the bag, where they flick off the pollen and carry it away. Mimicking a queen bumblebee nest and emitting a scent reminiscent of bumblebee food, labellum attracts ideal pollinators to slipper traps.

Plant Care

This species is known as a highly adaptable and hardy orchid and is hardy in USDA Zones 2a-9b. The Yellow Lady’s Slipper orchid is therefore a great candidate for novice orchid growers. Make sure you get your plants from a reputable wildflower nursery.


Slipperwort generally grows in wetlands and thrives in evenly moist soil. However, they don’t like their roots to be soggy, so good drainage is important. Unlike many other orchids, the soil should not dry out between waterings. Water again when you notice that the top few inches of soil are dry.

Growing Medium and Fertilizer

Aerated, well-drained, fertile, neutral to slightly alkaline loamy soils are suitable for this orchid’s growing needs. Crushed lava rock can improve the aeration and drainage of dense clay soils. Feed once a week or once every two weeks with standard orchid fertilizer or a balanced all-purpose fertilizer with a concentration of 20-20-20 NPK. For regular fertilization during the growing season, dilute the concentration to 1/4 of the recommended dose.


Like most orchids of the Cypripedium genus, this species thrives best when he gets two hours of direct sunlight during the growing season and bright indirect light the rest of the day.


Not only is this orchid hardy, it needs exposure to low temperatures to flower. Ideally, expose him to temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit for two to three months during winter dormancy. Summer temperatures should not exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit.